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Nigel Fennell

In 2022, Nigel passed his Fellowship exam with Honours. The Fellowship (FWCF) is the highest accolade with the Worshipful Company of Farriers and in the farrier world. There have only been 202 people who have achieved their Fellowship since the start of the exam in 1928 and only 29 who has ever passed with Honours, of which Nigel is one.

Out of the 217 Fellows, only 39 are still alive and only 3 (Nigel included) have Honours.

Starting in 1989 and qualifying in 1995 in the United Kingdom, Nigel has run his own horseshoeing business and has gained a wealth of experience in the farriery industry along the way. His competition experience has taken him around the whole of the United Kingdom and throughout the world. Highlights include: National Industrial Blacksmithing Champion; two time Italian Farriery Show champion in Verona Italy; two time British Horseshoeing National Champion Medallist; eight time representative on the England Farrier Team; Reserve Individual International Show Champion 2014; England Farrier Team Manager from 2012 to 2018; two time World Horseshoeing Championship finalist in Calgary, Canada (2007 and 2013); and finalist at the Europe Farriery Championships in Austria 2012. Most recently, Nigel was UK National Reserve Champion in 2015 and won the prestigious World Horseshoeing Team Classic title in Kentucky in 2016 and 2017. Nigel was Match Play Champion at the World Champion Blacksmiths competition in Virginia, 2017. In 2019, Nigel won the Alberta Farrier Championships. 

Nigel has worked and trained alongside some of the finest farriers in the world all of which have influenced his work in some way. He is an included clinician on the farriery training website ‘Know Foot Know Horse’ and is an appointed and approved judge by the Worshipful Company of Farriers in England. For many years Nigel has been a farriery clinician and judge, teaching worldwide and holding clinics in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Italy and Germany. Nigel holds both the Diplomacy of the Worshipful Company of Farriers (DWCF) qualification and the post graduate higher exam the Associateship of the Worshipful Company of Farriers (AWCF).

In 2022 he accomplished his Fellowship of the Worshipful Company of Farriers (FWCF, with Honours) and also his Forging Endorsement (FE) through the American Farriers Association.


Susie Fennell

Susie is the support and encouragement in the background.

Susie has experience with managing third sector projects through previous roles which included: managing staff, budgeting, applying for funding, staff rotas, administration, invoicing, promoting services and running events. She also spent a lot of time in her roles supporting people with mental health issues and substance misuse issues. She became a qualified Life Coach and NLP Practitioner.